
What men want in a girlfriend

So what DO men want in a girlfriend?

Sex all the time?

For us to be fed chips while we play video games?

For there to be a hot meal on the table when we get home?

Well. While those things could score you some mega points, they are definitely not a make or break asset most guys look for.

We want a girl who we can trust around our buddies. A girl who looks good in jeans, and can handle a good conversation. A girl who we can take to a hockey or football game and, even if she doesn't understand, has a fun time and asks us questions that make us FEEL smart or that we know the sport well. Totally strokes our ego...

A girl that is a good listener, or at least takes (or fakes:) interest in our hobbies. Do you want to hear about the UFC or motorcycles all day? No. But sometimes we need to talk about it for just a couple of minutes.

Plus it wouldn't hurt if she gets along with the family and can hang out with mom. That's usually the telltale sign of a keeper. The mom test.

While every guy is different, their needs are pretty much the same:


So if none of the stuff I mentioned earlier works for you, try these three things and I'm sure he'll love you just fine.

That's what men want in a girlfriend.



Be his biggest fan!

So you want to become the best girlfriend/wife ever.

You've already read my dirty talk examples, so your life in the bedroom has started to spice up, now you want to continue down the path of having an amazing relationship.

Most guys like to play hockey, football, pool, SOMETHING, and if you're in a relationship where he does do one of those things. GO WATCH HIM!

There is nothing better then having a girlfriend who is a fan of yours.

Even if you don't like hockey, basketball, soccer, whatever ...make that sacrifice. It will mean so much to him.

It shows him that you want to take time out of your day to support him in the things he is passionate about.

Then, you can say things like 'wow, you sure looked sexy out there!', or 'you're the sexiest guy on your team!' and it will really pump his ego, scoring you some points, and making him go nuts for you.

Give it a try!

Evan Michaels


Sexy talk

There is NOTHING hotter than someone who knows how to deliver tantalizing sexy talk...

Talking sexy / dirty is the skill of being able to turn your partner on by knowing exactly what to say by triggering their imagination into fantasizing about what drives them wild!

If you aren't confident with your sexy talk, don't worry. It takes time to perfect the art. You need to learn what the opposite sex wants, but most importantly, you need to practice.

It's all about experimenting, and taking baby steps.

Is it worth taking time to learn how to how to talk sexy? Well let me ask you this...

If you worked really hard preparing a meal for your lover, and they ate it without saying one word, how would that make you feel?

Chances are you would be let down, because you would hope they would tell you how much they appreciated you cooking for them, and most importantly how delicious it is.

Sexy talk is the same thing.

If you aren't being vocal about how much fun you are having in the bedroom, your lover is either getting bored or worried that you aren't having a good time.

To learn exactly how to talk dirty and drive your partner wild be sure to check out...

The Dirty Talk Handbook for women


Dirty Talk Tips: What She Wants for men

Your lover is about to be very luck!

Stay sexy,

Evan Michaels


How do you talk dirty to your boyfriend

How do you talk dirty to your boyfriend?

This is a question that I get a lot, and before I get into it, please checkout my other article on how to talk dirty to my boyfriend.

The main thing, is you need to be yourself.

Don't think you have to sound like a girl in porn because some guys watch it...honestly, those girls don't have good dirty talk at all either. Be yourself.

Also remember the expression, Rome wasn't built in one day...same goes with dirty talk. You don't want to start saying very dirty things right away, especially if that's not you...start off small. And it shouldn't just turn him on, but you as well.

Read that article I wrote, it has some great stuff, then if you want some more killer info, join my newsletter or get my course. I've gone out of my way to help women learn the secrets to keeping relationships exciting so I hope you get a chance to check it out!

Good luck,

Evan Michaels


Dirty Talk Tips

My name us Evan Michaels, and welcome to the Dirty Talk Tips blog.

I created this site/blog with the intentions of helping women learn the secrets behind how to talk dirty so they can add some excitement to their relationships.

It's a topic that is very healthy in relationships, so it needs to be addressed and taken seriously. Not too serious though, just enough that we can have some fun with it.

Keep posted, I'm going to be posting free tips, sharing success stories with my clients, and surveying men so you can get the inside scoop as to what men really want.
